Library Catalog, Downloadable Content and Online Resources
Dunbarton Public Library Catalog and Resources
To place a hold or renew your materials,
log in to our catalog with your card number and PIN. |
NHThe library's subscription to NH Downloadable Books provides our patrons access to very expensive content, in a very cost-effective manner. This would be impossible for the library to do alone, and without the wide selection of available titles. Patrons can download e-books, audiobooks, and magazines to their computer, tablet, smartphone or Kindle. Download the Libby for Overdrive app from your device’s App Store. If you are using a Kindle you will need to give permission to add apps from another location, find this in your settings. Libby is set up and linked directly to your library card, so you if you are not able to download an item, it may be because you have an overdue book on your account, or your card has expired.
More Resources are available through Inter Library Loan and the